Elective Courses



Course Group


Course Code


Course Name

3 Restrictive Elective I (TM) STA 204 Static Endurance
ELK 221 Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics 

3. and 4.

Restrictive Elective
II ve III (TB)

KIM 207 Inorganic Chemistry
KIM 208 Advanced Organic Chemistry
BIO 215 Biochemistry
KIM 427 Chemistry of Ceramics
KIM 313E Structural
Organic Chemistry
MAT 261 Lineer Algebra  
MAT 301 Partial Differential Equations
BIO 214 Microbiology
BIO 224 Molecular Biology
KIM 318 Colloidal Chemistry
7 Elective I (MT) KMM 413 Biocatalysts and Characterization
KMM 429 Corrosion and Material Selection in Chemical Industry
KMM 465 Environmental Chemistry and Technology
KMM 477 Industrial Water Treatment
KMM 485 Polymer Chemistry and Technology
8 Elective II (MT) KMM 424 Biotechnological Applications
KMM 448 Fuel Chemistry and Technology
KMM 458 Measurement and Control Equipment
KMM 466 Boron Technology
KMM 468 Industrial Energy Saving
KMM 474 Fat/Oil Technology

Restrictive Elective
Restrictive Elective