Student Clubs

The Aim of the Chemical Engineering Club is to introduce the Department of Chemical Engineering of İTÜ to students, to give information about the sector, and to convert theoretical knowledge into practice by arranging technical trips, meetings and interviews. At the same time, it aims to show the working environments to the engineers of the future and while doing all these things it targets to create professional awareness by building a bridge between students in association with social activities and social responsibility projects 

Executive Board:

Çağla Koç - Head

Cem Koşu - Vice Head

Mehmet Arda Özay - Vice Head

Yusuf Elyürek - Accountant

Damla Kardeşlik - General Secretary

Lale Nur Yıldız - Clerk

Berkay Çıtmacı - Audit Board (AB) Chairman

Yavuz Gizlenici - AB Member

Göksu Demiryol - AB Member

Activities carried out so far in the Academic Year of 2016-2017:

-Acquaintance Tea Meeting
-P&G Seminar on Supply Chain
-Tüpraş Seminar on Refinery Sector
-Nuclear Reactor Trip
-Meeting and Talking on Chem. Eng. with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Moiz Elnekave
-Visit to Nucleus Enterprise Center
-Lord of the Rings Movie Night
-Technical Trip To Şişecam Gebze Establishment
-Meeting with Mustafa Nevzat Pharmaceuticals
Friday Party
-IKZ 17
-Internship Meeting with Prof. Dr. Guldem Ustun
-Kalekim Meeting
-Tupras Cocktail Activity
-Friday Movie Night
-MichaelPage Workshop
-Raw Meatball Party
-Arcelik Meeting
-Motivation Activity
-Daily Technical Visit to Tupras in Izmit

Detailed program to have been conducted so far can be seen from the corresponding Turkish Site.